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The first General Assembly of the year of OPEN ENLoCC members was held online on May 16, an opportunity to take stock of the activities in which the Network is involved, including numerous European projects, and to define activities for the near future.

Here are the highlights of the general assembly.

European Projects

The day’s agenda opened with an update on the European projects in which OPEN ENLoCC is involved as a partner, including GRETA, Food4CE, MED COLOURS, and the TRANSCEND project, coordinated by LIST, starting in September 2024. The Assembly also discussed European projects under evaluation, including SHERPA and DIGIRAIL.

During the Assembly, Riccardo Maratini, Project Manager on behalf of OPEN ENLoCC, briefed the members on the Network’s activities in current projects and moderated the ensuing discussion among members. The discussion aimed at not only gathering additional insights to enhance the projects in which OPEN ENLoCC is involved, but also highlighted the opportunities for members to learn and be inspired by relevant lessons learned and innovative topics being addressed.

Communication activities

It was then the turn of communication. Elisa Bianchi, Communication Manager on behalf of OPEN ENLoCC, updated the Network members on the activities carried out by OPEN ENLoCC within the framework of the European projects in which the Network holds the role of communication manager; continuing then with the communication activities dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of the activities carried out by OPEN ENLoCC and the Network members. In the coming months, in fact, the network’s visual identity will undergo major changes, starting with the restructuring of the website and the redesign of the OPEN ENLoCC logo.

In addition, all Network partners will commit to offer their valuable and fundamental contribution to communication activities, so as to ensure a constant flow of news, insights and updates that will be made available on the OPEN ENLoCC website and social channels in different formats: articles, interviews, videos and posts, for the benefit of all stakeholders. We therefore invite you to follow the website and the Network’s social channels, where new content will be posted soon!


Finally, the General Assembly concluded with the decision to décharge to the directors for the execution of their mandates till date and thanks them for the services that they have rendered to the association and that they will continue to render.

In the coming months, OPEN ENLoCC is ready to take on new and exciting challenges that will help the network grow. Stay tuned!