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European Review of Regional Logistics SPECIAL 2022-2

EU Review SPECIAL Issue 2022/2: The Promares Pilots


Dear Readers,

The new issue of the “European Review of Regional Logistics” is this time a special issue!

The aim of OPEN ENLoCC is to spread the best practices on transport and logistics at regional level and this time we are supporting the PROMARES project. Indeed this time the contributors of this issue are not only Members of the Network, but project partners.

The project PROMARES, funded by Interreg Italy-Croatia, aimed to enhance the maritime and multimodal freight transport gathering all the ports generating intermodal and multimodal transport flows, as well as the most relevant intermodal logistic node in the Programme Area, facing the same challenges concerning the multimodal transport accessibility and network efficiency on the TEN-T Corridor sections in the region (from the port to the hinterland) and to increase the cooperation and coordination among them. Led by the Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, PROMARES involved the main ports of the Adriatic area, as well as other relevant research and public bodies. Partners are reported in the following list:

  1. Port Network Authority of The Eastern Adriatic Sea – Port of Trieste
  2. North Adriatic Sea Ports Authority – Port of Venice
  3. Venice International University
  4. Interporto Di Trieste
  5. Institute For Transport and Logistics Foundation
  6. Port of Ravenna Authority
  7. Central Adriatic Ports Authority – Port of Ancona
  8. Southern Adriatic Sea Port Authority – Port of Bari
  9. Ram Logistica Infrastructure and Transport S.P.A.
  10. Port of Rijeka Authority
  11. Port of Ploče Authority
  12. University Of Rijeka – Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka

In this special issue, articles about most of the pilot actions that have been carried out within the project are reported. These pilot actions aimed at testing ICT solutions for streamlining freight transport in the ports and the most relevant intermodal logistic node of the Programme Area, from the port to the hinterland and at cross-border level, setting standards which may be replicated to other logistic nodes, also beyond the project’s geographical scope.

Please feel free to spread the “Review” across your colleagues and networks. Requests for free subscriptions are welcome. And now enjoy reading!

Picture of Giuseppe Luppino

Giuseppe Luppino

President of the OPEN ENLoCC Network and co-editor of the Review

Publishing details

Picture of Giuseppe Luppino

Giuseppe Luppino

President of the OPEN ENLoCC Network and co-editor of the Review

Picture of Irene Sabbadini

Irene Sabbadini

Project Manager at the Institute for Transport and Logistics - ITL

Picture of Eleonora Tu

Eleonora Tu

Project Manager at the Institute for Transport and Logistics - ITL

Editorial Team

Giuseppe Luppino, Piotr Novak, Reima Helminen, Irene Sabbadini, Eleonora Tu


Alberto Cozzi, Andrea Minardi, Darko Plećaš, Eleonora Tu, Giuseppe Luppino, Irene Sabbadini, Ornella Jadreškić, Shirin Mahdavi.

ISSN requested

The EU Regional Review

The “European Review of Regional Logistics”, quarterly journal of Open ENLoCC, the European network of regional logistics competence centers, is issued in cooperation with Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS).

Electronic subscriptions of the “Review” are free. Individual paper copies are distributed via Open ENLoCC members. The language of this publication is “EU English.” Contact us for the advertising guide. 

Open ENLoCC is listed in the EU Transparency Register under ID 138828413651-57. 

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European regional review, Issue SPECIAL 2022/2

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