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Navigating the future of urban nodes. All the challenges European cities will have to face in order to efficiently manage last-mile urban logistics

Highlights from Open ENLoCC President Giuseppe Luppino’s speech at the webinar organised by Scandria®Alliance In the near future, the number of cities classified as urban… Read More »Navigating the future of urban nodes. All the challenges European cities will have to face in order to efficiently manage last-mile urban logistics

SusPort Project: Seaports cooperate cross-border for environmental sustainability

“SUStainable PORTs”, or SusPort for short, is a project among ports along the Adriatic coast to enhance their environmental sustainability, decarbonisation and energy efficiency in the Eusair Area – from Trieste to Bari, from Rijeka to Dubrovnik. It is a strategic project of the Italy-Croatia CBC Programme within the European Union’s “Interreg V-A” programme and will be completed by this June.

Welcome to our new Member Polo Inoltra

OPEN ENLoCC Network is glad to inform that Polo Inoltra decided to officially join our family.

Although it joined officially during summer 2022, here is the interview after the entrance approved by the Members of the General Assembly!

Read a short interview made by the President of OPEN ENLoCC.