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ADAMAH – Buy organic products online 

Local food producer Helyi élelmiszer-termelő
Logistics provider Logisztikai szolgáltató
Reseller/online platform Viszonteladó/online platform
Advanced Logistics Fejlett logisztika
Digitalization Digitalizáció
Local Focus Helyi fókusz
Sustainability Fenntarthatóság
Transparency Átláthatóság

The ADAMAH BioHof was founded in 1997 by Sigrid and Gerhard Zoubek out of deep conviction for organic farming, continuously developed with a lot of enthusiasm, courage and passion and taken over by their 4 children in 2021. The farm is located to the east of Vienna, just beyond the city limits, and has always stood for biodiversity and organic products with a biography. The ADAMAH BioHof is known for its organic boxes, which are used to deliver the best organic vegetables and fruit to customers’ homes in a convenient and CO₂-neutral way.

ADAMAH sells its own products such as fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, herbs, nuts, pestos and spreads, pasta and rice, juices and syrups and publishes its own cookbook. They source baked goods, meat products, various cheeses, spreads, eggs, dairy products and much more from partner companies. Organic vegetable seedlings and organic herbs for one’s own garden or balcony can also be purchased at the specially organised organic plant market. 

In total, the range comprises around 2,500 carefully selected organic products for the kitchen, pantry and household. ADAMAH sets high standards in the search for the best products, relies on organic labels and maintains personal contact with the producers.

ADAMAH also sees itself as a meeting place. The farm gates are open to anyone who wants to embark on an exciting journey of discovery into the world of organic farming – be it shopping in the organic shop, an exciting excursion to the fields, a children’s birthday party or a festival on the farm grounds, such as the popular ADAMAH BioHof festival with culinary delights, exhibitors and a varied programme for the whole family. 


Customer-centric organic solutions: Every week, ADAMAH puts together new organic boxes in different sizes and themes that are regional, seasonal and varied. Thanks to the enclosed information and recipe sheets, customers can also be offered lesser-known rarities and varieties. Up to 6,000 customers are supplied every week. The organic products are transported CO₂-neutrally in reusable deposit boxes, which have a lifespan of up to 20 years.

Efficient and sustainable logistics: The delivery area is divided into five sub-areas, each of which is delivered to once a week. In order to be able to deliver several organic boxes per stop, the delivery routes are planned as efficiently as possible to avoid unnecessary kilometres. On average, a vehicle travels less than 900 metres per delivery stop and the distance between stops is less than 2 kilometres.

Circular economy practices: A large part of the agricultural production is sold via the organic shop directly on the farm and via the optimised box delivery (Bio-Kistl). Organic fruit and vegetables that are still edible but less visually appealing are donated to charities or sold at a discount through the “TooGoodToGo” app. Food unfit for consumption is either composted into nutrient-rich soil or turned into sustainable energy in a biogas plant.

Sustainable packaging practices: Organic fruit and vegetables are delivered unpackaged wherever possible. Where packaging is necessary, reusable systems and recyclable or biodegradable materials are used. The individual types of packaging are described in detail on the company website, including the materials they are made of, why they are used and how they should be disposed.

Commitment to climate and energy efficiency: The company obtains its energy from renewable sources, operates its own photovoltaic system, heats with water heat pumps and favours sustainable mobility. Winter vegetables are grown in climate-friendly, unheated foil tunnels, the office and organic shop are furnished with solid wood furniture and printing is done economically on recycled paper.

Innovative partnerships and research: ADAMAH closely follows developments in electric vehicles, seeking high-performance models with cooling capabilities and sufficient range. Inner-city deliveries are handled in partnership with bicycle couriers. Through its partner Mindful Mission, delivery CO₂ emissions are offset, and climate protection projects are supported. A diploma thesis showed that this delivery system offers economic and environmental benefits compared to traditional shopping.

Social responsibility and job creation: A total of 140 jobs have been created, with ADAMAH Vertriebs GmbH itself employing around 80 people from around 10 different countries. Together, they work in all areas – agriculture, logistics and warehousing, purchasing, marketing, customer service and accounting – to ensure maximum customer satisfaction and the best flavour and quality of organic products.
