Kmetija Hecl se osredotoča na svojo čredo, za katero pridelujejo vso potrebno krmo na lastnih poljih, s čimer spodbujajo samostojen in ekološki pristop. V zadnjem desetletju se je njihova predanost preoblikovala v raznolik portfelj 43 edinstvenih izdelkov, vključno s široko paleto jogurtov, od sadnih in medenih jogurtov do brezlaktoznih možnosti. Ponujajo tudi široko paleto drugih mlečnih izdelkov, predvsem različic sirov.
Farm Hecl’s operations center around their herd, for which they cultivate all the necessary feed on their own fields, promoting a self-sustaining in . eco-friendly approach. Over the past decade, their dedication has transformed into a diverse portfolio of 43 unique products, including a wide variety of yoghurts, ranging from fruit and honey yoghurts to lactose-free options. They also offer an extensive range of other dairy products, mainly variants of cheeses.
Kmetija Hecl je odprta za obiskovalce, ki se želijo potopiti v pristno izkušnjo kmetije, in jih vabi, da si iz prve roke ogledajo predelavo mleka in si privoščijo degustacijo svežih mlečnih izdelkov. To okolje, ki združuje tradicijo, kakovost in globoko spoštovanje narave, pusti trajen vtis na vsakogar, ki ga obišče.
Njihova ključna konkurenčna prednost je sledljivost surovin. Ker mleko pridobivajo neposredno od lastnega goveda, ohranjajo popoln nadzor nad celotno proizvodno verigo - od pridelave krme in molže do predelave končnih izdelkov, kar zagotavlja doslednost, preglednost in najvišje standarde kakovosti na vsakem koraku.
The farm’s focus is firmly on livestock and milk production, with a commitment to maintaining high yields and superior milk quality. Processing around 130,000 liters of milk annually, the farm continues to blend traditional craftsmanship with modern technology, investing in equipment like a yoghurt filling and labelling machine to streamline production while preserving their hands-on approach.
Izdelki kmetije Hecl so široko dostopni, saj so na voljo v njihovi trgovini na kraju samem, v prodajnih avtomatih, supermarketih in lokalnih trgovinah, kot je Zadruga Dobrina. Zelo so ponosni, da so njihovi mlečni izdelki predstavljeni v javnih ustanovah, kot so vrtci, šole in domovi za ostarele v Mariboru in okolici, kar zagotavlja, da njihova zavezanost kakovosti doseže širšo skupnost.
Za ohranjanje svežine in neoporečnosti svojih mlečnih izdelkov Kmetija Hecl upravlja logistiko distribucije z uporabo hladilnega vozila, kar zagotavlja, da se hladna veriga ohrani od kmetije do potrošnikove mize. Ta predanost zagotavlja dostavo visokokakovostnih in okusnih izdelkov, ki spoštujejo naravo in tradicijo, širokemu krogu kupcev.
Production process management: A key advantage of farm Hecl is their complete control over the milk production process. By managing everything from feed cultivation to processing in their own facility, they ensure traceability and quality at every stage of its operations.
Processing investments: Investing in technology, like the yoghurt filling and labelling machine, has allowed farm Hecl to streamline its operations, focus on maintaining high product quality, and meet the increasing demand efficiently.
Cold chain logistics: Farm Hecl ensures that their products reach customers in perfect condition by managing transport using a refrigerated van. This commitment to maintaining the cold chain guarantees the freshness and quality of their dairy goods from farm to table.
Quality assurance: Farm Hecl’s dedication to producing natural, GMO-free, and high-quality products is evident in their certification labels and numerous awards, confirming their excellence and innovation in dairy production.
Diverse product range: The farm has transformed its expertise into a wide array of 43 dairy products, including various yoghurts, cheeses, and lactose-free options. This diversity allows them to cater to different consumer preferences and dietary needs, enhancing their market reach and appeal.
Sodelovanje skupnosti: Farm organizes dairy production process tours which is strengthening their brand’s authenticity and consumer trust. Through tours and tastings, they offer a transparent look into their operations, emphasizing their commitment to quality and care for nature.
Market presence: The farm’s products are widely accessible, available in their on-site shop, through vending machines, local supermarkets, and in public institutions, which helps build brand loyalty and increases their visibility in the community.
Excellence recognition: The numerous gold and silver awards at national and international events like “Dobrote slovenskih kmetij” and the Agra agricultural fair validate farm Hecl’s dedication to producing top-quality dairy products.