On 13 October 2021, the “H2VLC Valencia Hydrogen Valley” project was presented at the Valencia City Council headquarters, with the participation of more than 40 companies, entities and institutions. The Pact is led by the Fundacion Valenciaport, Valencia City Council, the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Generalitat Valenciana. These institutions will promote the use of hydrogen as a fuel in the area of influence of the city of Valencia.
Valencia Hydrogen Valley
Valencia Hydrogen Valley is promoted by the Valencia City Council, the Generalitat Valenciana, the Universitat Politènica de València and the APV, together with the Valenciaport Foundation, to coordinate, create synergies and promote research into green hydrogen in the transport and logistics sector in Valencia and its metropolitan area. This project involves more than 30 companies and SMEs, five research centres, eight public entities, three spin-offs, 13 investment initiatives and eight technological development projects that mobilise more than 160 million euros of investment. The H2VLC project will be coordinated from the Las Naves innovation centre and will be eligible for financial support from the Spanish government’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
H2VLC is articulated around 21 projects, ranging from the construction of specific infrastructures for the generation and dispensing of green hydrogen for transport, to the acquisition of trucks, buses, vans, urban service vehicles and industrial logistics transport vehicles powered by green hydrogen. It includes the development and production of a hydrogen tram, as well as commercial technologies for the generation, consumption and integrated management of the green hydrogen value chain, with projects to be carried out by research centres of the UPV and the UV, in collaboration with different companies in the Valencia Region.
More than 40 Valencian companies, institutions and entities have already joined the initiative, including Consum, Aguas de València, BP, Balearia, EMT, Stadler, the Gimeno Group, Pavasal, FGV, DAM, ETRA, Transvia, the Alonso Group, the Sociedad de Agricultores de la Vega, and the Valencian Federation of Transport and Logistics Entrepreneurs (FVET). It also has the support of three reference research centres of the UPV -the CMT-Thermal Engines Institute, the Institute of Chemical Technology (UPV-CSIC) and the Institute of Energy Engineering-, another one of the University of Valencia -the Institute of Molecular Science, ICMOL-, and the Technological Institute of Energy (ITE).
H2PORTS, a pioneering initiative in port activity
The European project “H2PORTS – Implementing Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technologies in Ports” coordinated by the Valenciaport Foundation, in close collaboration with the Port Authority of Valencia, and financed by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) programme of the European Union, has as its main objective to test and validate hydrogen technologies on port machinery that will provide applicable and real solutions without affecting the performance and safety of port operations and producing zero local emissions.
The H2Ports project will involve a total investment of 4 million euros and involves, in addition to the Valenciaport Foundation and the Port Authority of Valencia, the National Hydrogen Centre, and the private companies MSC Terminal Valencia, Grimaldi Group, Hyster-Yale, Atena Distretto Alta Tecnologia Energia Ambiente, Ballard Power Systems Europe and Enagás.

Carolina Navarro Correcher
Director of Port-City, Cruises and Mobility at Valenciaport Foundation
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The publication of the European Review of Regional Logistics is supported by a grant of Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS).
European regional review, Issue 2022/1
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