Dear members and friends of the Open ENLoCC network
“Regional logistics” – what is it? City logistics, intermodal transport, optimum delivery services, optimum locations for logistics businesses? Well,
we learned that it is a lot more. Actually, it is among the key functions that
keep an agglomeration alive. Struggling with the aftermath of the tragedy
in Genoa proves it. See our article.
But not all logistics is that dramatic. Much is done with low visibility, although it represents large flows of goods. Setting up a regular festival is
among those topics, and therefore we feature the Stuttgart Wine Village
in this issue.
Project results from cooperation across Europe include vocational education and training, as well as rescue routines in the case of chemical accidents at sea. Quite a variety of topics, which reflects the broad range of
competence of our members and their project partners.
The Open ENLoCC network is growing. For the first time, the Open ENLoCC
network has a Spanish member. We welcome Fundación Valenciaport and
feature it on the pages of this “Review”.
The classic text has been chosen with hindsight to the actual political situation regarding international relations and trade. Alexis de Tocqueville in
1835 made some remarks about the institutional aspects of such debates
in democratic nations, and about the inherent risks of the political system.
The analytical framework appears to be worth reading even today, after
almost 200 years.
Our news section this time is much influenced by the bi-annual innotrans
fair in Berlin, which is about rail innovation. There seems to be quite some
innovation going on around the world.
We also have some internal news: The “European Review of Regional Logistics” is now issued by the Stuttgart Regional Development Corporation
(WRS) for the Open ENLoCC network. The editorial board remains the
We wish you all good reading!
Martin Brandt