Open ENLoCC (European Network of Logistics Competence Centers) was established as a follow up of the “ENLoCC”-project and is an open network of regional logistics competence centres in the field of logistics, run by public authorities or similar bodies.
The main task of the network is the international exchange of experience and knowledge between its paticipants and the promotion of a higher level of cooperation with European institutions.
The members of Open ENLoCC work together on common projects with the aim to develop the regional economy by solving infrastructural, organisational and technological problems of logistics and transport. The dissemination of the results of the network activities and the best practices take place on a wide scale, involving all the key bodies at EU level.
The founding of the network was financed in part through the Interreg IIIc programme of the European Union. Now the network is self-supporting through membership fees and activities.
Open ENLoCC invites other regional competence centres in the field of logistics to join.