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Subject of legal notice (terms and rules of use)

The subject of the legal notice are the websites of the Knowledge Transfer Platform (www.openenlocc.net/food4ce). The published content is informative and not legally binding.
Please read the terms and conditions of use before using the platform. If you do not agree with and accept the terms and conditions of use, use of the website is prohibited.

Use of websites

Users can dispose of the contents at the web address: www.openenlocc.net/food4ce, for their personal use, in which case copyright must not be violated. The authors of the content are not responsible for any harmful consequences of use. Any other use or distribution of these web contents or their part is not permitted.

You are permitted to print and save the documents only for personal, educational or otherwise non-commercial purposes, provided that you observe the copyright or other proprietary notices in the documents.


Everything on the web pages of the platform Knowledge Transfer Platform, such as images, illustrations, audio videos, photos, icons, texts and other materials are protected by the copyright of Knowledge Transfer Platform. Any modification, reproduction, distribution, or public display of another’s work or any use of the material without the written permission of the author or Knowledge Transfer Platform is prohibited.

Copyright © Knowledge Transfer Platform. All rights reserved.

Limitation of liability

Knowledge Transfer Platform is not responsible for the use of the platform and for any damage caused by the use of the web content located there. The contents of the Knowledge Transfer Platform platform are for informational purposes only and are not binding. You use the platform at your own risk. Knowledge Transfer Platform does not guarantee that the published content, materials and information are always complete and error-free.

Knowledge Transfer Platform will try to ensure the highest possible level of correctness and completeness of published information. The Knowledge Transfer Platform can change the content at any time without any obligation to inform users and is not responsible for the consequences of such changes.

Knowledge Transfer Platform does not guarantee that the platform will always work properly, that the servers on which the platform is located and the servers connected to it and the rest of the equipment will not be infected with viruses or other harmful elements.

Trademarks & Logo

Trademarks, logos and service icons located on the www.openenlocc.net/food4ce are registered or unregistered trademarks of Knowledge Transfer Platform or related organizations or authorized collaborators, for publication of which Knowledge Transfer Platform has the permission of their owners. The right to use trademarks, logos or any license owned by Knowledge Transfer Platform or third parties is not permitted without prior written permission. Abuse of any material or content displayed on the www.openenlocc.net/food4ce platform is strictly prohibited and punishable.


By accepting the terms of use, you agree that Knowledge Transfer Platform may analyze non-personal data related to the use of this platform.

Links to websites

The www.openenlocc.net/food4ce platform contains links to websites operated by third parties. Knowledge Transfer Platform is not responsible for the content and correctness of the information found on the mentioned web links. You use external web links located on the www.openenlocc.net/food4ce website at your own risk.
